
Friday, 14 December 2012

take nothing for granted...

So, the holidays are upon us. It's the most stressful time of the year, the expectations that Christmas puts on people is completely unreasonable. Noticing that 10x the usual amount this year. Not only with buying everyone gifts, but even with how you divide your time. It would be a different story if we lived at home, but having a week off and having to visit everyone, its tricky. Definitely have to be selective of what you do, that sucks ass. Big time. At the same time, it's good because everyone is back home, and everyone is in this whimsical mind state. It's a fresh breath. I've got a lot to celebrate this year, my best friend is now a father to a beautiful baby girl, he has finally found a girl to make him happy. My brother is getting married to the mother of his children, looking forward to seeing all of my family in one place! So excited to see all of my girlfriends at this xmas party i'm going to, I also get to spend Christmas day with Ty's family, his sister & her children will be in SK from Grande Prairie, looking forward to christmas dinner like you wouldn't believe. I don't really know where I'm going with this post... just wanting to vent a little.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

the lo...

Well, it's been awhile since i've actually written something on the blog. I'll give you a quick lodown on whats been going on in the life. Snowboard season started on November 9th, so needless to say my thoughts & free time have been completely overtaken. A couple buddies came down from SK to help us celebrate Opening Weekend, which from what i've heard was the best open sunshine has had in recent memory. It's shaping up to be a great season!! But besides boarding... what else is going on? ummm... nothing really lol. Work, Cleaning, Laundry, Cooking, Kickin with my boys, the usual. I did start crafting a little bit :) Dearest Someday inspired, but of course! I'm also about 3/4 finished with a dreamcatcher i've been working on for months lol. Anddd christmas is right around the corner "Yayyyyy..." *rolls eyes*

mellow tuesday...

Mellow Tuesday... from LucySkjarstad on 8tracks Radio.

New 8track playlist with the musical stylings of : Bedouin Soundclash, ASAP Rocky, Jay Malinowski <3, Johnny Cash, Common, & More... Enjoy!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

snowboard nostalgia...

snowboard nostalgia... from LucySkjarstad on 8tracks Radio.

a combination of some of the most played songs from last season. What better way to get hype than relive some memories through good tunes... enjoy

Thursday, 25 October 2012

the life...

I could be the happiest person in the world right now. Really. So incredibly happy, had to blog! Just went onto the sunshine village website, and there is 47cm of fresh snow(see right, LIVE shot!) Do you know what that means?! DO YOU?!?!?! It means the end is near, summer is history, fall is practically finished, and winter is almost upon us!! I love winter, it's my favourite season of the year, there is nothing I enjoy more than a fresh powder hoot (snowboarder term). LOL! Snowboarding is my life. Simple as that. There is no feeling that even compares to the exhilaration of snowboarding. There's no competition, no rules. It's just you, your board, and your line. Nothing that makes me feel more alive. The freedom, the exploration, the scenery, the creativity, it's the life. Nicolas Müller said it best "When a human being can be creative, that is when really anything is possible."

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

First Year in Calgary...

Today is a pretty big deal, it's one year to the date that we have officially been residents of Calgary. When I think back on everything that has happened in a year, it kind of makes me head spin. This city has made a mark on us for sure. It's frustrating, overwhelming, discouraging, exciting, beautiful, diverse, interesting, cultural, lively and incredibly fun all at the same time! How does that happen? haha... basically I've never felt more at home, more like I belonged in a place more than I do here. This city has everything we need, mountains within a 45 minute drive, big city night life, fashion!!! (true fashion, not like.. i saw this on pinterest now i have style kind of fashion), world class snowboarding resorts (which we can proudly say we're locals of), short commutes(we're lucky, not everyone in Calgary can say this), big money (we'll get there), an amazing cultural scene, a beautiful home that we've created together, an unreal music scene, anddd just the city itself. You really have to spend time here to feel it, it's alive and it's amazing. This year we've also had an addition to our family, we've adopted our first baby... fur baby that is. His name is Jeffery and he completes us. He's always happy to see us, and he's fucking cute as hell. lol. Ty will never admit the level of love he has for Jeffy, but I know that he's just as cat crazy/lame as I am. I love it. So, Ty, this one's for you. Thank you for taking this journey with me, I could have never done it without you. I know that living here we will continue to grow into the people we're supposed to be. I love you, you're my PIC, my yin, my better half.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012


Thanksgiving, it's like the 'welcome to fall' holiday that I look forward to every year. Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday, period. It's like Christmas but way more mellow. No pressure of gifts, no treacherous road conditions, no stress, no worries. Just sit back with the fam, eat an amazing meal (Dawn's words), sip some vino, and chill the fuck out. The "itis" is really the only downside. Traditionally Thanksgiving is the time of year everyone reflects on their blessings, and expresses what they are thankful for this year. So here we go... First & Foremost, I am Thankful for Ty. He's the one person in this world that I know will always be there when I need someone to talk to, someone to calm me down, someone to cheer me up, someone with an honest opinion, someone to call me out on my shit, and someone to love me. It's important that you have someone who's your backbone in life. He is mine, I am his. I'm also thankful for the opportunities to travel I've had this year, I've been able to see some of the most amazing sights our country has to offer, not only see but feel, to be submerged by mountains, lakes and skies is truly a blessing. I'm also thankful for the friends I have in my life, this year I've definitely found out who's a true friend, and who's just there for show. It's a harsh reality check when it happens, but it's also a great eye opener. And last but not least I'm thankful for the family I am proud to call my own. My beautiful Nieces, my hilarious Nephews. My sisters, My mother, and everyone else who is there when I need them. I appreciate you. I am thankful. (and my Jeffy, I love him. He always makes me happy)

Friday, 28 September 2012

remember to breathe...

Does life ever make you feel like you're drowning? Like no matter what you do, or how hard you try, you just can't get ahead? Well i've felt this way for the past few months. Not sure what exactly triggers the feeling, but it's there, and it fucking sucks. Whenever I'm feeling totally overwhelmed, I have one technique that is a guaranteed success. Breathing. It seems really stupid to say, because duhhhhh we're always breathing. But when do you ever focus on breathing, just clear your mind and breathe. Focus only on inhaling, filling your lungs, than releasing. When I do just this, my mind settles, I think clearly and calmly and the problems that were once overwhelming become trivial. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, feel the air fill your chest. Exhale, slowly, feel your lungs contracting, calm. Repeat.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

swedish songstress, Miss Li...

Even though hiphop is my true love, i do tend to be easily distracted, and today miss Lykke Li has been stealing the spotlight. I've been a huge fan of Lykke Li since the first single I heard of hers "little bit" back in 08? it's still one of my favourite songs. It reminds me of one of my best friends Lauren. She is the one who introduced me to this twenty something swedish songstress & since then i've been head over heels. I love the moods that her music depicts, her use of instruments (most of which she plays herself), and her powerful soprano. So, if you're into indie/pop/electronic goodness, give her a taste. Sure to please the senses.

Friday, 21 September 2012

summer summary...

It's friday morning, 10:02, and I'm feeling fantastically optimistic. Not quite sure why or what for, but I feel good. It may be the season change, isn't fall fantastic? What the new year is to most people, fall is to me. It's the beginning of the year, maybe it's a mindset I have since school, but it holds true. Sure summer is fun, but fall is breathtaking. The colour, the clothing, the pumpkin spice latte, the cold air in the morning, the scarves, the blankets, the crunchy leaves that cover the ground, but above all else... opening day is just around the corner (49 days, but who's really counting?!). I've been trying to make an effort to embrace the seasons, for the past few years I've hated every single season with the exception of winter (If you know me, you know why). But since moving from Saskatoon I've truly been able to enjoy all periods of the year. This summer was amazing for us, stampede breakfasts(fucking madness), we took a few day trips to the mountains, enjoyed the city's nightlife (a little too much some nights), put our new cruisers to work, saw some of our favourite artists in concert, got tattoos, went to a few festivals, and took a week long road trip through the Okanagan to Vancity, and really just tried to have fun! Gotta love not having children! Those little fuckers ruin everything. Peep game...
Riverside doobs with the homies (Saskatoon)
Jazz Festival, The Roots (Saskatoon)
Beach Life with Gizzy (Shuswap Lake)
Winery Tours in the Okanagan (Recline Ridge, Tappen BC)
Oceanside Coffee, Revolving Restaurant (Vancouver)
Gastown (Vancouver)
Banff Daytrip

Friday, 7 September 2012


My Dream is to embrace life. To live my life to its maximum potential. I long to embrace each opportunity, accepting each experience as a contribution to the person I’m supposed to be. I dream of seeing the world, indulging in cuisines I would have never thought to try at home. I dream of learning languages, and being able to communicate with people who share different views of the world. I dream of letting go of any insecurities that may hold me back from embracing the world. I dream of letting go…

-Lucille Skjarstad

Thursday, 6 September 2012


Well... the time has come. Shaky hands, sleepless nights, and overall daily anxiety. It's tattoo time! I love the week before a tattoo, its crazy, nerve-wracking, and very very exciting ... you know that your body is about to change forever, and for me this is my largest tattoo to date, so i'm extra antsy. The week that follows the tattoo is an even bigger deal, but I'm a fan of the anticipation. Ty & I booked appointments with a fantastic tattoo artist, Hilary Cooper, back in February, and the time has finally come. Ty is getting an angel on his left arm (pics to soon follow) and I'm getting a dreamcatcher on my left leg. A little homage to my aboriginal culture. I've wanted to get a dreamcatcher tattoo for awhile now, but didn't actually commit until we went for consultations in Feb. But, very much looking forward to it, stay tuned...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

long weekend road trip...

     It's Thursday!! Thursday is my favourite day of the week, for one reason and one reason only... we're that much closer to Friday. Friday is the ultimate, but it doesn't quite have the same whimsical feel of Thursday.
     This weekend is looking very promising, being a long weekend there is only one thing to do in the summer... ROAD TRIP! Winter, totally different story, but we'll get to that once the season approaches. If you know me, you know that Ty & I recently moved to Calgary from Saskatoon, so every long weekend that comes up we're itching to go back home. Visit the fam, eat home cooking, gossip with my girlfriends, longboard with the homies, kiss the cute new babies in my life, brag about life in the know what it is. This time we're bringing our little buddy Jeffery(cat) to meet Ty's niece and nephew who are in town from Grande Prairie, I have a prediction that Laine will think he's creepy(haha!)
    Most excited for the food of home, Ty & I have been on a diet for the last few weeks, we (aka I) allow us to have one cheat day a week, we usually go all out and have pizza or something extra greezy to reward ourselves for being so good. But this weekend I'm going to say fuck it and just eat whatever, most excited for The Vault, omfg, I can't even describe to you how incredibly, unbelievably delicious the Vault is. It's this small vietnamese restaurant in Asquith. I've eaten at hundreds of viet joints looking for anything that will even compare to the vault, I have yet to find anywhere that measures up. So, #5 special, I'm coming for you.

What are your plans for the long weekend? Remember to rock your white's while you still can....

Monday, 27 August 2012

First Post...

Well, here we go kids...

FIRST blog post. Ever. Big Deal, I know. I guess I should start with who I am and why i'm blogging.

I'm Lucille, 23, Calgary, Snowboarder, Dreamer, Author, Painter, Lover, Curser, Romantic, Idealist, Perfectionist, Procrastinator... It's really hard for me to describe myself to others... I have so many interests, hobbies, passions and secrets, so more than likely you will never really know who I am.

I've started this blog to share with my admirers the in's and out's of my life - my inspiration, my style, my music, my eats, my love, my hates, my everything. I have no "theme" or general direction with my posts, just some insight into my life. So enjoy, and thanks for stopping by.